

Corns and calluses are hard, thickened areas of skin that form as a result of friction or pressure on the skin. Corns and calluses develop naturally to help protect the skin underneath them.

Calluses can develop anywhere on the body where there is repeated friction, such as a guitar player’s fingertips or a mechanic’s palms. Corns develop due to bone pressure against the skin. They are common on the tops and sides of the toes and on the balls of the feet. Corns can be hard and dry or soft and mushy. Common causes of corns are arthritis or poorly-fitting shoes.

Callus Treatments

If your corns or calluses are mild, reducing friction may help. Different shoes, moleskin patches or soft pads may be all the treatment you need. In more severe cases, reduction of the callus or corn by a trained foot care professional may be necessary to relieve the pain. It is important to investigate and deal with the causes of the pressure and friction. Arch supports or padding may be needed on various areas of the foot to temporarily redistribute pressure. If needed, permanent inserts to wear inside your shoes (orthotics) to offer long term pressure relief. It is important to have your footwear assessed. Foot Care Professionals can give advice on appropriate footwear and foot care.

Bare Feet on Skateboard


The body protects skin tissues from pressure or friction damage by producing an area of hard skin so, unless the cause of the pressure or friction is found and removed, calluses and corns will continue to form. Over-the-counter treatments are acids, they work by breaking down the thickened skin but they also damage the healthy surrounding skin, if used incorrectly. Cutting corns or calluses yourself (bathroom surgery) is not without its dangers, especially if you cut yourself. In the warm and moist environment of enclosed shoes, infection can easily develop into a serious wound. Diabetics and those with decreased circulation should NEVER try to self treat corns and calluses because a minor cut can rapidly develop in to a serious infection.

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Tired of ‘off the shelf’ orthotics and find that you’re still living with foot pain and discomfort? While prefabricated orthotics work for some people, for many others, pain persists and everyday walking and standing can be unbearable.

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